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a flippant        fashion

Fashion is CAPRICIOUS and very CHANGEABLE. But we are fond of its changes.

Once I read an article about interesting research, which was made in Great Britain. They say every new detail of our clothes is considered to be unmoral 10 years before, provocative - 3 years before, beautiful in new fashion magazine, tasteless - a year later, ugly - 10 years later, comical - 20 years later, funny - 30 years later, singular - 50 years later, nice - 70 years later, romantic -100 years later, glorious - 150 years later its time.

It's true, that in 20 - 40 years all ideas came back. On the one hand it is quite enough for young generation to grow up and be surprised with fashion newness. And on the other hand such period of time allow the youth to keep connection with previous generations. Watching young people, the aged think with pleasure: "We also were young. We have too much in common".

It's well-known that NEWNESS IS A WELL FORGOTTEN OLDNESS. Dazing ideas appear when far longer periods of time pass. They are unknown both to elders and youth. They have been forgotten and even have become a history. But when oldness returns, it often has a lot of changes in forms, details, emotional content, these changes have irritating energy and challenges different emotions (negative are among them).

Fashion, like a civilization, is an HEIRESS. It always combines numerous ideas and influences of the previous fashion notions. Our "today" yesterday was called "tomorrow" and tomorrow it will become "yesterday". During this evolutional process something is being lost, but something is being found thanks to combining and reforming.

Fashion is a CHILD OF TIME, it develops together with society.

Fashion choice mainly depends on the taste and beauty conception of a person. It is wrong that nobody argues about tastes, because they argue a lot and not only argue, it often become the course of different quarrels and discords. In fashion we are looking not only for new lines and details, but for something unusual, a new effect from combining all these lines, colors and tones.

Fashion is a wish of our heart. It's true that it is flippant and provocative, but it satisfies one of our main desires - to attract people's attention.

Sometimes fashion appears occasionally. Once a king's favourite mademoiselle de Fontandg went for a walk and her hair became disheveled. She parted them with lacy fillet. The king liked such headdress - and fashion revolution happened, a new type of bonnet appeared.

Most of all fashion is connected with clothes. But it is not correct: fashion embraces all areas of our life. Car fashion, furniture fashion, books' fashion - this list can be continued. For example, fashionable details appeared when the first automobile was invented. It was one of the main themes of all magazines of the end of XIX century - the beginning of XX century. These lines are taken from one of them: "It has recently become fashionable in Paris to decorate a car with different statuettes. Such fashion appeared when the Queen of Italy had visited Paris for the last time. Her cab was decorated with a wonderful bronzed bird with outspread wings. New fashion has already its admirers; most of private automobiles have a figurine: an eagle, a pigeon or something more original. For instance, a car with a little statuette of a policeman with a highly raised hand had a great success on the Paris streets" ("Дамский листок", 1910).

Actually a flippant fashion is a serious thing. It is really so, because most of all fashion is an instrument of SELF-EXPRESSION and SELF-AFFIRMATION, a delicate area on the one side and massive on the other.

Fashion, as an art, is international. Due to fashion people of different nationalities and different views have an opportunity to find much in common. Fashion welcomes heartily Russian sarafan, Japanese kimono and American cowboy's suit. The age-old traditions of different nationalities are successfully combined in fashion. It is clear, that fashion is one of the most perspective areas of cooperation for different people.

Stilish girl in future.

Pictures of Natal'ya Skalkina.

Девичник. 2001- 2006.
  Авторский журнал. 
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